Enjoy IPA’s video on Article 31 and the Child’s Right to Play. We will have this translated into 15 languages and will be adding the different versions slowly over the next several months. Enjoy!!
We are grateful for the gift of photography and footage from our talented contributors: Steve McCurry, Kate Thompson Gorey, Invisible Children, PlayRight (Hong Kong), Andrew Swan, iAct (Chad), Cynthia Gentry, Margaret Westwood (IPA Scotland), Roger Hart, and music courtesy of Imagine Dragons.
Below are the following versions: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish and Welsh. To come: Russian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Japanese, Dutch, Turkish, Italian and Swedish.
ARABIC version:
CHINESE version:
ENGLISH version:
FRENCH version:
GERMAN version:
To access a high-resolution version of the video in German (good for projecting on a large screen, go to this link: http://youtu.be/G1RFmKe81yE
SPANISH version;
WELSH version:
OTHER versions coming: Turkish, Hebrew, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and others!