IPA Position Statement on the Play Rights of Disabled Children
IPA believes that no child should be excluded from the joyfulness, friendship and benefits that come from a childhood filled with play. IPA members around the world have voiced their concern that many disabled children face multiple barriers to exercising their right to play. IPA has therefore developed this Position Statement on the Play Rights of Disabled Children to re-assert the play rights of disabled children, growing up in all circumstances and living environments. (Position Statement below or to download PDF version click here: IPA Position Statement on the Play Rights of Disabled Children)
IPA was delighted to have the opportunity to share the Statement and give a keynote presentation to the European LUDI Conference, 4-5th June 2105, in Cyprus. LUDI – Play for Children with Disabilities – is a European scientific network aiming at studying the theme of play (play for the sake of play) of disabled children. The keynote was presented by Keith Towler, member of the IPA Working Group for the development of the UN General Comment on article 31 and former Children’s Commissioner in Wales. Mr. Towler encouraged members of the LUDI network to join with IPA in promoting children’s right to play:
It was great to receive such positive feedback about the importance of Article 31 of the UNCRC and General Comment No 17. Colleagues in LUDI across Europe are working hard to realise play rights for children with disabilities with practical ideas and tools that will, I’m sure, inspire positive change. Both LUDI and the IPA place children’s play at the heart of everything they do. By sharing experience and supporting each other I hope that our time together in Cyprus will help to make real the importance of ‘play for play’s sake’ for all children with disabilities. Keith Towler
We hope the Position Statement will assist you in your advocacy for play and we’d be delighted to hear about any ways it has been useful. If you are interested in translating the Position Statement please contact communications@ipaworld.org
Yours playfully,
Theresa Casey, President on behalf of the IPA Board and Council

IPA Position Statement on the Play Rights of Disabled Children